The 3 Q’s With Ryan Lockhart Presented By Matrix Concepts Canada

2018 Walton TransCan

AX is back this weekend in Chilliwack!

MXP: Hey Newf! Arenacross is back this weekend and next in Chilliwack. What can riders and fans expect with the final two weekends of this incredible series?

RL: Everything is shaping up to be a good one. I have already tested the track and it’s really fun. The layout that we came up with is one that I can’t remember doing to be honest so that will make it exciting. Other than the track everything will be the same. We will be doing a Surron race and dash for cash on Saturday night which is always entertaining. We’re hoping for a good rider and spectator turnout and a good safe weekend of AX racing.

Newf is one of the lucky riders who has raced both types of formats in the 250 National Series.

MXP: There have been some Social Media discussions recently about whether or not the Triple Crown Series should separate the 250 class into an East/West deal again. I know that back in 2017 Mark Stallybrass was thinking about but obviously, he didn’t get the chance to see it through. I can see the arguments for going back to that format, but I also feel like as a sport and series in Canada we might be passed that type of format. Most 250 riders are under contract for 2023 so it couldn’t be done until 2024 at the earliest. What are your thoughts?

RL: There are pros and cons to both no question and I have competed in both. I did it when it was East/West and then in 2008 when it first went all the way across. Back in early 2000 the National Series was booming with sponsor money, bikes, dealer support, and the list goes on. We were ready for it. Things have changed big time and the gate sizes are small. We have less and less dealer involvement and the bottom line is we need more support for our local pros. Now yes, by going back to the East/West format it may intrigue some dealers to field a team but then what happens to the factory teams? They will pay their riders less as they are only doing half the races. So like I said, there is good and bad to both. Personally, I would like to see some more OEM support at the dealer level to help these riders. How that happens I don’t know, is there money there? I don’t know, but something needs to change here or the gates are going to continue to shrink. 

Dylan Wright will be back at the GDR Honda Team for at least three more years.

MXP: It’s now official Dylan Wright will be back under the Honda Canada GDR Fox Racing tent for at least another three years. I know he had multiple offers from other teams but he chose to remain at Honda. I think this is great for Dylan, the GDR Team, and the sport in Canada. I have two questions for you on this subject. First, what do you think about this three-year deal? Second, after getting his knees fixed last month do you think that we could see an even better Dylan Wright in 2023? 

RL: As a member of GDR I’m thrilled to have him back as having Dylan around and working with him is top-notch. Also from the fan point of view, it’s great as it might make some of these teams reach out and try and get a rider who can beat him which will help with selling the series. Now of course there is the side of people asking why? Why is he wasting his time in Canada? Well if you know Dylan and listen to him talk trust me he would love to have a U.S. ride or a GP ride, but it’s easier said than done. He needs to make a living like the rest of us and also has responsibilities at home like a wife, a house, bills, and whatever else. He loves the challenge of competition and wishes there was more here in Canada where he makes his living. At the end of the day, we should just be thankful that we have Dylan here and that we can watch him race. He really is a one-in-a-million talent. 

As far as his knees go, there is no question they needed to be fixed but honestly, unless he tweak them, they didn’t bother him that much. However, I do think with his knees being strong and stable again we will see an even more aggressive and confident Dylan Wright in 2023. 

Chris Pomeroy: 1989 Rookie-of-the-year and former nationally ranked pro racer who turned into a dirt oriented scribe
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