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The 3 Q’s With Ryan Lockhart Presented By Matrix Concepts Canada

Shawn Maffenbeier was one of the fast pro riders who raced the WCAN all week. Photo by James Lissimore

MXP: Hey, Newf! It was a long week at Whispering Pines Raceway with the WCAN and then Round 2 of the Triple Crown Series. Let’s begin with the WCAN. How did everything go from your perspective?

RL: All in all, it was a great week. We were tossed a bit of everything regarding weather and track conditions. We were fighting a battle we couldn’t win on Wednesday and Thursday with 36 plus degrees. I will be the first to admit that the track wasn’t the greatest on Thursday. Friday and Saturday the track was excellent and that was a relief. On the racing side things, it all ran smoothly besides the few injuries, but that’s to be expected when riders have a lot on the line and want to do well. The after racing events went well, so big thanks to Maple Ridge Motorsports, Outlaw Motorsports, Surron. Shift and the entire Future West staff for making the event successful.

Ryder McNabb dominated both 250 motos in Kamloops and will take the red plates to Round 3. Photo by James Lissimore

MXP: So far, what is your takeaway from the 250 class in the Triple Crown Series? McNabb has obviously been great, Benoit is solid, and Harrison is fast but has a lot of points to make up.

RL: It hasn’t been what I expected, that’s for sure. I definitely give a lot of credit to Ryder McNabb and Kaven Benoit, as they have been the two to beat after five motos. Coming into the series, I thought this class would have multiple winners and a much closer battle inside the Top 3. Natzke looks to me like he is just being conservative; Harrison has had terrible luck, Piccolo is out, and Bogle isn’t coming anymore. Quinn Amyotte has been the rider who has surprised me thus far, and he’s been impressive, to say the least. It’s still early, but I think Ryder will only get better as he came in not quite ready, so it could be a long summer for these other guys if they don’t start clicking off some Moto wins.

Dylan Wright had to battle hard in both moto in order to take the 450 class overall win. Photo by James Lissimore

MXP: One thing we saw at Round 2 which we haven’t seen in a while, was Dylan Wright struggling a little to find comfort at the speed he wanted to go. Can you talk briefly about what was happening behind the scenes under the GDR Honda tent?

RL: Struggling might not be the right word, as he’s still getting the job done, but there is no question that he wanted to win a little easier. We all have to remember, including me, that Dylan had a lot of time off the bike and a late start to the season after recovering from double ACL surgery. Maff, T-Dags, and Pettis are all riding great, but Dylan needs to get through this weekend, and then I think things will come a bit easier come east. We have been changing the bike to find more comfort, and Moto 2 in Kamloops was much better than the opening Moto. Regardless, if we win by five seconds or thirty seconds, we as a team will continue trying to improve things.


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